Farm Family - Person Sheet
Farm Family - Person Sheet
Notes for UNNAMED (Spouse 2)
S.L.K. Peleiuoholani call Kalaniopu'u, the mo'i (king) of Hawaii but also lists out the specific areas he controlled absolutely as ruling chief: Ka'u, Puna, Kona. This is acknowledgment of the historical fact that other chiefly families controled the districts of Kohala (the Mahi family), Hilo and Hamakua (the powerful 'I family).

From genealogist Solomon Lehuanui Kalaniomaiheilu Peleioholani (in Ancestry of John Liwai Ena):

Look at Kalaninuiiamamao (k); he was the own father of King Kalaniopuu (k) and his children.
(I) The eldest son Kiwalao (k);
(II) Second child Liliha Kekuiapoiwa; they are the true grandparents of Lihoiiho I (k), King of Hawaii, grandparent of Naahienaena (w) and grandparent of Kauikeaouli (k) King of Hawaii.
(III). Kalaniopuu (k) the true father of Kaleipaihala (k), the grandfather of Kaleleonalani, Queen, and L. M. Kekupuohi, Keawehawaii (k), Halalo (k), and J. Robinson (k).
(IV) Kalaniopuu (k), the father of Keaouakuahuula, the ancestor of the chiefess Kekaaniau (w) of Honolulu, L. M. Kekupuohi and Sam Parker. The chief Keouakuahuula (k), true ancestor through the mother of Keouakuahuula, namely Kanekapolei (w), of W. Notley, C. K. Notley, K. 0. Notley, M. Notley, all of Waimea, Hawaii.

Look at the chief Kalaniopuu (k), he is the own grandson of Umiulaikaahumanu (w) (true chiefly class) and Kuanuuanu (k) of Waianae, Oahu. Look closely at Kalaninuiiamamao, the own father of Kalaniopuu (k). A high chief. And here are the chiefly descendants that are seen in the broad daylight.

Look at Kalaniopuu (k) and his
2. Younger brother Keoua (k), father of Kamehameha I.
3. Sister Kekaulikeikawekiuonalani (w), grandmother of L. M. kekupuohi.
4. Sister Kahiwaokalani (w). Grandmother of the Princes.
5. Sister Ahia (w).
Here is the (wohi) son of Kalaninuiiamamao (k), namely
6. Keawema'uhili (k), he is the own grandfather of
7. S. L. Kalaniomaiheuila Peleioholani (k), own father of
8. A. Kahalelehua Kaonohiulaokalani Notley.***

** (Annie Kahalelehua Peleioholani, daughter of Solomon L.K. Peleioholani and Elizabeth Kekumano)

Kalaniopuu (k), King of Hawaii, married Kanekapolei; born were two sons Keouakuahuula (k) and Keouapeeale (k); Keouakuahuula (k) married Kaiolaniokaiwalani (w), the only child of Anahulukapoiawohilani (k), a kapu high chief and the chiefly Lord of Kohala, Hawaii; born was the chiefess Wailuanuiahoano (w), grandmother of L. M. Kekupuohikapulikoliko and Mark P. Robinson and his sisters.

Look again at Kalaniopuu (k) and his children.

Here is Pualinui (w) an own grandparent for Luluhipolani (k), Punana (w), Kaiheekai (k), Keawehawaii (k), Maiopili (k), Kupakei, and Kaiahua and a great many of the chiefly descendants living. How about it, do you know Hawaii's own?

The fifth son born to Kalaniopuu (k) who married Hakau (w) was Kaweiaokaiani (k) who died young.
Last Modified NewCreated 21 Jun 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
Created 21 Jun 2024 by Ray K. Farm using Reunion for Mac

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