Notes for Puna (Puna-i-mua)
Ancestor of the O'ahu and Kauai chiefs. "Puna-i-mua" is the name used by S.M. Kamakau.
Most genealogies say that Hina-ai-ka-malama is the mother of Hema and Puna-i-mua. S.L.K. Peleioholani teaches that ancient tradition that Aikanaka married his sister Hinaaikamalama (Hinahanaiakamalama) ("Niau Pi'o" chiefly marriage) and then his daughter from that marriage, Hinawaikolii (a "Naha" or "Ho'i" chiefly marriage). AIkanaka had a daughter by Hina-ai-ka-malama named Hina-waikoli'a. He married this daughter. That is another kind of chiefly "pi'o" narriage (tha father and daughter). This daughter Hinawaikolii is the true mother of Hema and Puna-i-mua.
This teaching is from the Robinson Family genealogy.
Notes for UNNAMED (Spouse 1)
Ha'ina-lau-mai-ka-lani is the name given by Kamakau in Ruki9ng Chiefs,